Wednesday, August 23, 2017

"Poise and Balance"

"By Water"

"Girl Wading"

"The Rabbit House"

"Tree at Night"

"The Angular Distance"

"The Remainder I Rest"

"Choral Reading"

Thursday, August 3, 2017


"There to Here"

"Old Fish"


"American Gothic"

"Under Foot"

"Honey Bee, Honey Bee"

"Fortunate Character"

"Collection of Small Collages"

"Stem and Leaf"
"Mechanical Advantage"


"A Good, Good Boy"

"Handbook of Literature"

Monday, July 31, 2017

"Meeting Standards"

"Negative Thigmotropism"

"Diversions (Shadow Puppets)"

"Not Fall on the Ground"



"Waxing Crescent"

"First Quarter"

"Waxing Gibbous"