Sunday, December 3, 2023

"Performative Patriotics"


"In My Father's House Matchbook"


"In My Father's House Ulna"


"In My Father's House Tending"


"In My Father's House A to B"


"Clown (I Am)


"Beak (I Am)


"Abed (I Am)


"Dead Fish"


"Precise Words"


"Two Small Flowers (I Am)


"Spider Egg Sacs (I Am)


"All the Good"


"Take Measure"


Monday, October 9, 2023

"Lift and Drag"


"You Boys Want to Work for Me?"


"Two Birds"


"Suspended Mass I, II, III, IV and V"


"Well I'll Be Damned, Was I Really Going Ninety?"


"Caught Fish"


"It May Steal"




"It Was Their Hometown"